Jonathan Blow (vielleicht kennt ihr sein anderes Spiel: Braid) erklärte, dass sein kommender Puzzler "The Witness", der exklusiv für die PS4 erscheinen wird, dass die offene Spielwelt (eine Insel) voller Rätsel steckt. Man kann förmlich kaum einen Ort finden, in dem es nicht irgendwo ein Puzzle gibt, das man lösen darf.
“For the past couple of years, we have had the island mostly built in a gameplay sense, and we were trying it out, moving things around, developing location concepts, tweaking puzzles,” Blow said. “At this point, most of that stuff is figured out, so we are now going through all the areas of the island and detailing them. “What we learned in this process is that the island is in fact very big, for a place where you carefully visit every location during gameplay! Co...