The Elder Scrolls 6 ist in Entwicklung

Im Herbst dürfen sich PS4 User auf eine aufgebrezelte Version von Skyrim freuen, doch das war noch nicht alles, was Bethesda heute zu The Elder Scrolls ankündigen konnte. Wie Game Creator Todd Howard bestätigt, darf man jetzt schon gespannt wie ein Band auf Gummi sein, denn Teil 6 befindet sich derzeit in Entwicklung!

That’s kind of like the elephant in the room always when we talk about anything. And I think it’s good in these moments to tell our fans, ‘Yes, of course we are. It’s something we love.’ But it is–you know, I have to be careful what I say–it’s a very long way off.

I could sit here and explain the game to you, and you would say, ‘That sounds like you don’t even have the technology–how long is that going to take?’ And so is is something that is going to take a lot of time what we have in mind for that game.

And we actually have two other large projects we’re also doing that are bigger than anything we’ve done. People will probably hear about those probably even before Elder Scrolls VI. And that’ll make sense many years from now.

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