Bloodborne: Neuer Patch reduziert Ladezeiten

Für Bloodborne gibt es endlich den langersehnten Patch, der die Ladezeiten drastisch reduziert. Anstatt eine knappe Minute auf das Logo zu starren, geht’s nun schon in knapp 11 Minuten wieder in den beinharten Kampf. Darüber hinaus. gibt es noch eine Handvoll weiterer Fixes.


Main points of UPDATE 1.03
-Reduced loading times (approx. 5-15 seconds; may vary by circumstance)
-Fixed bug that left certain lifts and elevators inoperable
-Fixed bug that resulted in bosses becoming immobilized
-Fixed bug that left players unable to advance NPC events during multi-play
-When the PS4 is put into Rest Mode during online play, the game will now return to the main title screen upon resuming play
This will resolve matchmaking issues related to Suspend/Resume.
-Other various bug fixes

We will continue to make improvements to better the play experience.


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