Euer PreOrder Schiff macht das Spiel kaputt? Ihr habt ein paar Fehler entdeckt, die euch davon abhalten, den Mittelpunkt der Galaxie zu erreichen? Keine Angst! Ein Team von Hello Games kümmert sich gerade emsig um einen Patch, der bestehende Fehler in No Man’s Sky ausbügeln soll.
In der Zwischenzeit gibt es von Creative Director Sean Murray ein paar vielleicht hilfreiche Workarounds:
Here are some workarounds for some known issues:
If you believe you are stuck, or can’t reach your ship, be aware you can jetpack forever whilst pushing against any surface
If you have made a mistake – you can revert to any of your two previous saves in the Options Menu
If you have left your ship somewhere inaccessible, you will be able to summon it from landing pads or beacons found at most buildings or points of interest (marked by question marks)It has been reported that some players have not received a pre-order bonus. In most cases so far, the player has either not redeemed their bonus correctly from the PS store or from the Options Menu. Also sometimes players have received the bonus, but the name displayed in-game was incorrect. The Alpha Vector ship is named Domanish S84 in-game, and (in the US) the Rezosu AZ65 is named Final Shadow XIV in game.
It has been reported that using the pre-order bonus ship will leave some players stranded, if they purchase or transfer to a new ship that does not have a hyperdrive (if done very early in game). In most cases the player is actually able to continue (107 of the 135 reports emailed so far). The game already detects the player needs a hyperdrive and directs them to a nearby NPC who will give the player the hyperdrive they need. Some other players were able to resolve this issue by restarting their console.